About the Author

My name is Aaron, and I tell stories.
Not important stories, mind you; just the ones I find interesting. Each and every tale included within Mistopia is based in reality — a genre I refer to as “creative nonfiction”. Barring minor changes here and there, everything you read actually happened.

The setting is fluid.
I grew up in eastern North Carolina, spent time in both Los Angeles and Washington, D.C., and currently live in southern Florida. These places have all proven to be fertile ground for observing smart people doing questionable things, and I have every faith this trend will continue — which is great news for those of us chronicling it.

This blog needed to happen.
These stories illustrate the dawning realization we all eventually encounter: Nobody has the slightest idea what’s going on. We’re all just winging it, and we get bored sitting around treading water. And that’s when interesting things start to happen.