The 3rd Dimension of Hollywood

A small group of young adults wandered down Hollywood Boulevard carrying an assortment of pies, drinks, meats, and other offerings appropriate for sharing at weekend barbecues. The sun had only just settled beneath the majestic northern hills, and as the sky darkened to a deep velvet hue the desert air was happy to relinquish its lingering heat in exchange for a cooling evening breeze.

“So, how do you like it so far?” Will asked, hitting the yellow button of a nearby traffic light and glancing impatiently at the glowing red hand barring their path.

Laura shook her head and looked at him. “How do I like what?”

“LA!” he said, raising an eyebrow. “The city you’re currently exploring with your boyfriend?”

“Oh, right! So far, so good?” she shrugged, grinning innocently and zipping up her jacket to ward off the growing evening chill.

Will frowned, turning to Aaron. “What have you shown her so far?”

“Oh, the usual stuff,” Aaron laughed, squeezing Laura’s hand gently. “Took her through the Walk of Fame, the Chinese Theater, the Kodak Theater, saw the sign…all the normal Hollywood stuff.”

“I got a picture of Big Bird’s star,” she nodded. “And we watched Beauty and the Beast in 3D!”

Will stopped short, turned an incredulous glare toward her.

“Why did you do that to him?” he asked, carefully emphasizing each word. “What did he do to deserve such a fate?”

Laura giggled, “For starters, it was his idea.”


“Hey now,” Aaron raised his hands to defend himself. “It’s a fun movie!”

Will stared at him uncomprehendingly, and was about to voice further objections when Ivan cut him off.

“Where did you see it?” he asked excitedly. “That sounds awesome!”

El Capitan,” Aaron replied. “And they’re showing The Lion King in 3D starting next week!”

Ivan’s eyes widened and he flashed an enormous smile. “Really!? I’ve GOT to see that!”

Will stood slack-jawed, looking from Ivan to Aaron and back again while shaking his head.

“You’ll love it!” Laura chimed in, nudging Ivan’s shoulder. “They even have Belle come out on stage before the movie starts to dance and chat with the crowd!”

“Definitely have to go!” Ivan whispered, eyes glassy as he pictured the image in his mind.

“What is WRONG with you people?!” Will finally exclaimed, leading the group across the street in accordance with the now-flashing walk sign.

Annie walked up to him and smiled. “It’s not your fault, Will. These are fun people who like good things. It’s not something you would understand.”

“That’s fair,” he responded, somewhat placated.

The group fell silent as they rounded a final corner and headed up the street toward their destination, and though no one brought it up, all could hear a soft sound surrounding them.

It was barely audible over the buzz of traffic and the clatter of their own footsteps kicking loose chunks of gravel into the curb; it was a familiar sequence of notes and a whispered voice which sung: Tale as old as time / Song as old as rhyme / Beauty and the Beast.

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